These TOS will be enforced on all Visitors/ user of this site known as ICOMUCH.COM, its forum and future network sites if any.

Service-Site visit or any account, advert related service which is provided by ICOMUCH.COM in any form will be termed as service for further reference.

User- Visitors/ Account holder/ Member of this site will be termed as User.

All users will be abide by TOS and breaking the same may result in Termination of service or prohibiting access to this site.

1. User will not provide fake info for registration in this site.

2. User will not create multiple account on this site for any purpose.

3. User will not spam forum/ comment box.

4. User will not post any illegal/ maligned/ defaming comment, post on this site.

5. User is supposed to keep their password confidential and not to be passed to others.

6. Premium account holders are not to post any information publicly which they receive as a payment to this site/Being Premium member of this site, such info is for their personal use only.

7. Any form of attack should not be done/ relayed by any user

8. Account is personal and cannot be transferred.

9. Payment for any service is final and cannot be refunded including membership.

10. User cannot take this site rating or comments as investment advice and is supposed to do self-research of any ICO before investing.

11.User may use the Site for lawful purposes only. Any User cannot-
• Copy, use, disclose or distribute any information obtained from the Site, whether directly or through third parties, without our consent;
• Use, disclose or distribute any data obtained in violation of these Terms;
• Imply or state that you are affiliated with or endorsed by icomuch without our express consent;
• Act in an unlawful or unprofessional manner in connection with the Site, including being dishonest, abusive or discriminatory;
• Send or post any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any form of solicitation unauthorized by us;
• Disclose information that you do not have the consent to disclose (such as confidential information );
• Post anything that contains software viruses, worms, or any other harmful code;
• Bypass or circumvent any access controls or Site use limits;
• Monitor the Site’s availability, performance or functionality for any competitive purpose;
• Engage in “framing,” “mirroring,” or otherwise simulating the appearance or function of the Site;
• Override any security feature of the Site;
• Use the Site in any manner not permitted by these Terms; and/or
• Interfere with the operation of, or place an unreasonable load on, the Site (e.g., spam, denial of service attack, viruses).





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