Intelligent Rating
Ended-Aug 31, 2018 Rating–7.1/10
AgroTechFarm(ATF) is a fully automated intelligent device for growing natural food. AgroTechFarm(ATF) will provide you with fresh organic vegetables, berries, and greens throughout the year, without chemicals, and regardless of your climate conditions. AgroTechFarm(ATF) is on the mission to supply the world with healthy food.
Basic Details- | Financials- |
Name of ICO | AgroTechFarm | Token– | ATF |
WEBSITE | | presale- | No Info of Sale |
Field of work | Smart Appliances | Mainsale- | Completed |
country | Cyprus | softcap | 2600 ETH |
Pre-sale - | Completed | hardcap | 40000 ETH |
Start-end | 2018-02-16 - 2018-04-10 | Total /max | 5,000,000 |
Sale start | June 01, 2018 | Price- | 2.56 USD |
Sale ends | Aug 31, 2018 | Curr Accepted | ETH |
Platform | Ethereum | Eth=/eth | 84 ATF |
Type | ERC20 | Btc=/btc | Appx 2583 ATF |
Algorithm used | NA | Min buy | NA |
Blockchain used | Yes | Bonuses | Yes |
Nosale country | NA | Pre-ICO - 40% | Week 1 - 20% |
Week 2 - 15% | Week 3 - 10% |
Week 4 - 5% | |
Social details -  | Whitepaper Download Link
Onepager Download Link |
Competition already existing - NYA |
Uniqueness than competitors - Based on real production |
Unique selling point if any - Complete transparency, need minimal customer involvement |
Detailed intro of ICO
The aim of the project is to initiate the mass production of indoor ATF home farming appliances for north american customers. ATF farms secure the automated growth of cannabis, tomatoes, cucumbers and many more plants. This reaps the full benets of LED lighting for growing and hydroponics technologies1. ATF indoor appliances need minimal customer involvement during the vegetation process and don’t require any speci c knowledge in agronomy or advanced experience. Thanks to a proper temperature regime and relative humidity, average yields for indoor farming are higher than similar typical crops grown outdoor.
The founders have formed the ATF team, which specializes in vertical indoor farming solutions. Most of our agronomists and engineers are former employees of the company Agronomof, the rstrussian agro holding, pioneer of vertical farming in Russia that ran under the FIBONACCI brand. After Agronomof’s closure, these kept researching in the vertical farming eld, carrying on the solid R&D activities related to vertical farming based on the combination of hydroponics and LED lighting.
The current company was of cially registered in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in 2016. With the launch of the rst industrial vertical farms in Russia, the company’s focus since has been on providing a state-of-the-art indoor farming solution for strawberry cultivation, revolutionizing the industry in Russia.
The business is about to expand globally, focusing on the US & Canada, looking to make the most of the cannabis market’s enormous potential for growth.
The establishment of the AgroTechFarm core team and our very first experiments and concept trials.
Patent applications, device test drives, and further technology development.
- Approval of the first patent and participation in the first trade fairs, including Skolkovo which brought us an award certificate for our technical solution.
- The development of the first automated plant growth system and the first plant growth mode trials begin.
The first home prototype developed to allow for hydroponically raising tall-growing plants.
Testing the Home edition device and further development of nodes and software.
- The device design is presented at trade fairs. The medal for Innovative Technologies received as an achievement during one of the exhibitions. The first clients and investors have demonstrated interest in AgroTechFarm Industrial.
- The microgreens production launched under the Organic Greens brand.
- Preparation for the ICO begins.
The AgroTechFarm Home edition preproduction model developed. Trials of the new product begin.
- The launch of AgroTechFarm Home edition and and iOS, Android, and desktop applications.
- The development of AgroTechFarm Industrial begins.
- The official partnership with the leading LED lighting developer, OSRAM, established.
- Official partnerships with the leading nutrient manufacturers GHE, Advanced Nutrients, HESI , BAC, Biobizz, and Nagricoin established.
- Market launch of AgroTechFarm.
Launch of the AgroTechFarm Industrial demo version.
AgroTechFarm Home and AgroTechFarm Industrial presented at international trade fairs.
Expansion to new markets and global sales.
Development, launch, and trials of the first aquaponic prototype
- Mounting AgroTechFarm in extreme climate zones.
- The introduction of blockchain.
Further development of the technology to enable the autonomous production in zero gravity.
- A prototype for zero gravity environment built.
- Further development, improvement, and trials of the methodology and technical components.
- Delivering AgroTechFarm to Mars in collaboration with Elon Musk.
- Collaboration with NASA and Roscosmos.
Team |

Ilya Tsigvintsev
CEO & Founder | 

Alexander Basov
COO & CO-Founder | 

Alexey Kovnerchuk
Technical Engineer |

Natalia Savinova
PR Manager | 

Mikhail Chistopolov
CSO | 

Olga Sivitskaya
Head of Marketing |

Ekaterina Naimushina
Community Manager | 

Julia Taufatdinowa
SMM Manager | 

Olga Bashirova

Kirill Smirnov
Agricultural Technicain

Evgeniy Kurochkin

Sergey Mosolov
IT |

Olga Prilepina
Legal adviser | 

Hasan Whitehat
Programming, Security |
Advisors |

Daniil Morozov
PhD in Economics | 

Greg Limon
Founder at Canada
Capital group Inc.

Marek Lorinc
Principal at Rimon Capital Ltd

Farooq A Rahim
Founder - HeapX. ICO Advisor. BlockChain Strategist. | 

Dean Karakitsos
Business Management | 

Stan Milc
Business |

Jared Johnson
CMO at NagriTech International Distributors Ltd | 

Eli Bernstein
Innovation Strategist

Dr AL Wee
Lodestone Investment LLC USA ASIA PACIFIC Private Equity Group |

Jeremy Khoo
Group CEO iFashion Group |
ICO Consultant |
E-commerce & Retail Expert |