Cryptowine Exchange

Completed ICO




Field of Work


Deploy plan




Intelligent Rating


Ended-Jul 31, 2019 Rating-7.9/10

The CWEX exchange aims to establish easy to access and easy to use fine wine tradingplatform. Backed up by its partner, DotChain GmbH based in Switzerland, it guarantees anonymity and security of investment by providing blockchain based ownership certification to each bottle of wine traded on the trading platform.

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Update1(21.03.19)- Extended sale till 31.07.2019

Basic Details-Financials-
Name of ICOCryptowine ExchangeToken –CWEX
WEBSITEcwinex.ioPresale-No Info of Sale
Field of workTrading(fine wine)Mainsale-Completed
CountrySwitzerlandSoftcap1,000,000 USD
Pre-sale -CompletedHardcap10,000,000 USD
Start-endDec 15,2018 To Jan 09,2019 Total /max89,000,000 CWEX
Sale startJanuary 10,2019Curr AcceptedEOS, ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC, NEO, ZEC, XMR, USDT
Sale endsMarch 21,2019 July 31, 2019Price USD-PreICO-1 CWEX = $0.16
ICO- 1 CWEX =$ 0.20
PlatformEOSToken/ethAppx 450 CWEX
TypeEOSToken/btcAppx 17152 CWEX
MVP/DemoYesMin buy50USD
KYC/WhitelistWhitelistToken Sale %55,180,000 (62%)
Token Distribution
Cwex Team-14%
Future Steakholder-4%
Legal & Finance-5%
Community & User Growth-12%
Sale Supply-62%
Funds Proceeding-
Global Partner & Vendor Management-25%
Expansion & Operations-25%
Cwex Platform Development-25%
Market Compliance Management-25%
Depends on Buy volume.
Social Details-
Nosale countryChina, Singapore, United States of AmericaWhitepaper Download link
Pitch Deck
Competition already existing -Nil in blockchain platform
Uniqueness than competitors - Focused concept
Unique selling point if any - Focused on wine trading
Detailed intro of ICO

Crypto Wine Exchange (CWEX) is a blockchain-based fine wine-trading platform, connecting cryptocurrency owners to the fine wine market without complications from regulations and bonded storage.
Over the past five years, fine wine investors have seen 10-20% annual growth rates in their investment. Reports comparing investment performance by asset class, ranks fine wine at first place with a performance of 24% in a period of 12 months. In consideration of longer investment periods – 5 to 10 years, fine wine still scores high – as the second most successful asset. Furthermore, collectible wines are among the most desirable investment assets, immediately after ~cars1 . Everything points to the fact that fine wine is a low-risk, stable investment. However, the situation is not as positive in every aspect. Although fine wine markets have been growing globally over the past few years, there are still a number of legal and practical obstacles in expansion advancement.
Simultaneously, cryptocurrency owners lack options on how to invest their digital holdings in valuable real-world assets, which are stable and guarantee short to long-term returns. Moreover, there is no guarantee in their investment reliability.

Initial idea
Market research and concept development
Trading platform architecture and layout planning
Partnering contracts negotiations
Token development
Pre-sale start
Sale start
Exchange’s listing
Trading platform development
Beta testing
Trading platform launch – CWEX
Develop further asset trading

Jacob Kallupurackal
Founder & CEO

Maxim Andersen
Co-Founder & Blockchain Expert

Thomas Tsang
Co-Founder & Product Manager

Nadir Zemrani
Co-Founder & Finance Manager

Stephen Gonah
Co-Founder & Compliance Expert

David Guye
Partner Relationship Manager EU/Russia

Victor Joyeux
Partner Relationship Manager APAC/APJ

Nargis Curteanu
Legal Expert

Khara Grant
Marketing & Community Manager US/CANADA/LATAM

Elza Hovhannisyan
Marketing & Community Manager Europe/Russia

Tarun Nair
Board Advisor

Benjamin Syme Van Ameringen
Board Advisor

Imran Hussain
Board Advisor

Dravasp Jhabvala
Board Advisor




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